Our Watch Party site is Millwoods Sports Bar and Grill in Maryland Heights. It is located at 12068 Dorsett Road (just east of I-270 on the south side of the road). Phone number: (314) 222-9876.
The Pinstripe Bowl Game is Saturday, December 28 against Boston College. Kickoff is at 11:00 am. Dust off your Bowl Game mojo, yell at the television with your fellow Huskers, meet some new friends and exchange some high fives.
While all are welcome at our family-friendly watch parties, it’s also important to provide accurate numbers to Millwoods. This is a courtesy so that they can assign appropriate staff to accommodate us. If at all possible, please RSVP using either the Google sheet here or emailing us at gatewayhuskers@gmail.com.
The ninth annual Gateway Huskers Trivia Night will be held on Saturday April 12, 2025. You can learn about it here.
August 3, 2024 at Tilles Park in Ladue.
Thanks to Jon Strong who again served as Grill Master and to Daniel Morrison who helped with the set up.
Those in attendance included two of our 2024 scholarship winners and their parents.
We welcome them to the Big Red Family.
Saturday April 20, 2024 at Andre’s South (4254 Telegraph Road)
Benefits: Waigand Wheels and Gateway Husker Scholarship Fund.
Approximately 45 people attended the Annual Picnic on August 5, 2023 at Tilles Park in Ladue.
Included were two winners of Gateway Husker scholarships who will enroll at UN-L this fall and their parents.
We welcome them to the Husker family.
Saturday April 1, 2023 at Andre’s South (4254 Telegraph Road)
Benefits: ALIVE– Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments and Gateway Husker Scholarship Fund.
July 16, 2022 at Tilles Park in Ladue.
March 12, 2022, at Andre’s South (4254 Telegraph Road)
Benefits: Peter’s Place Foundation and the Gateway Husker Scholarship Fund
Approximately 35 people attended the Annual Picnic on August 14, 2021 at Tilles Park in Ladue.
Included were five students who will enroll at UN-L this fall and their parents.
We welcome them to the Husker family.
June 25, 2021 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Appetizers provided by the Gateway Huskers.
Harpo’s Chesterfield 136 Hilltown Village Center
March 7, 2020, at Andre’s South (4254 Telegraph Road).
Benefits: Peter’s Place Foundation and the Gateway Huskers Scholarship Fund.